The Project
A popular restaurant chain was looking for a learning game to help its servers and hosts improve customer satisfaction. They wanted something fun and engaging to test the learner’s knowledge of the material presented in a separate lesson. They also wanted an interaction with gaming elements such as a progress score, sound effects, and an end goal. For this lesson, the learner’s goal is to fill up the ketchup bottle by getting each drag-and-drop question correct.
The Challenge
The first challenge was the ketchup bottle. I created states with images showing each of the bottle’s fill levels. Next, I created a custom variable, var_TotalPoints, which increased by one each time the learner chose the correct answer. Lastly, I then created a series of triggers to tell Storyline which state to show based on the value of var_TotalPoints.
The next challenge was the “try again” layer. I wanted the prompt to return to its original position if the learner gets the answer wrong on the first try. Storyline’s out-of-the-box drag-and-drop interaction doesn’t include this feature, so using a motion path and a custom trigger I was able to make it work.
To give the lesson a game feel, I added sound effects to give the learner immediate audio feedback.
The Result
The client was very pleased with the game, and found the ketchup bottle a fun and motivating feature. They will be implementing this as required training for all servers and hosts.
I posted a shortened version of the lesson HERE. Click the link to see it in action.